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Change one life, and you’ll change many.

Stock image of graduates in caps and gowns holding diplomas Stock image of graduates in caps and gowns holding diplomas


The NEXT GENERATION LEADERS Scholarship Program was created to support the children of Andis Company employees and help make their dreams a reality. To qualify, the employee must be a part-time or full-time associate of the Andis Company who has worked at least one year of continuous service.

The Foundation makes education a priority, and has awarded nearly two dozen scholarships since 2016. To be considered, associates must follow the application process as defined by the materials that the HR Department sends out each year. Scholarship recipients are selected and notified by an independent selection committee.

ATTENTION: The Foundation has paused the scholarship program for the coming school year

Upclose image of Andis clipper clipping hair of a cow small Stock image of graduates in caps and gowns holding diplomas

Rules &

The scholarship can only be used for tuition at an accredited Private or Choice High School, 2 year or 4 year Trade, Technical or Professional School, College or University. Priority will be given to undergraduate applications. Applicants are not restricted to a specific course of study.